These are not ordinary humans. They are outstanding.
Since 2008 we’ve been building a strong team, with different point of views, different backgrounds and different skill levels. We accept anyone that embraces our culture of kindness, hard (smart! smart!) work, and constant learning.
Diversity, inclusion and acceptance are part of our DNA, and we do not compromise or neglect anyone because of their color, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, any kind of health condition or any other stupid argument that can lead us to reject anyone. We do ask (or demand) some basic things from anyone in our teams: Be honest. Be kind. Be effortless. Be respectful. Be a force of good. Be a hard (smart! smart!) worker. Be willing to grow and learn as a team. In short, practice empathy.
This is extendable to the contractors and freelancers that work with us, and that we consider part of our work family. Meet our core team that is always willing to help you:
Hugo Ferro Branco
Partner + CEO
Our CEO, with way too many ideas, loud laugh and sunset addiction. #wearesohumanandweloveit #empathy #sunsetaddict #betruthful
Valdemar Pires
Partner + CMO
Our CMO, that has a small internal turbine that no one knows how to switch off. #wearesohumanandweloveit
Isabel Cavaca
Partner + COO
Our COO that someday will invent a coffee syringe.
#addapters #supermom
Margarida Fernandes
Designer Manager
Our Head of Design, our own little monster that we care so much.
#addapters #littlemonster
Daniel Penão
Design Developer
Our design developer that performs digital magic in a heartbeat.
#silenceisking #mangaaddict
Nuno Almeida
Our procurement manager that is loved (sometimes in a weird way) by all our suppliers.
#addapters #kindnessatheart
André Pinto
Creative Design Production
Our creative designer that also loves to do some fire breathing and juggling.